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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Good news!

I got my acceptance letter into the nursing program today!!!

I will be starting the program in the fall!


Monday, March 06, 2006

Sometimes I wish I was a drinker......

I finally hit mid-term of this semester. If one of my classes continues on the path it is on, I may end up in AA before it is over.

This semester was supposed to be easy. I got to pick classes that I would find interesting while I waited to find out if I made it into the nursing program for next semester. So, I picked up my math class that I have been putting off and three sociology classes. I figured since I enjoyed psychology so much, that sociology would prove to be interesting as well.

One class has been interesting, but not in the way I expected. I figured that since the people that usually take sociology are people that plan to work in some sort of field dealing with all types of people, it would be an open-minded group. I was so wrong.

I should have known that this class was not going to go well when I made a girl so mad she almost started crying. We were separated into groups, but not just any type of group. It was women who have been married and those that have not, same with the men. We had to make a list of what we were looking for in the opposite sex and what we thought they were looking for. A nice little assumption that everyone is straight. Next topic, abortion. We were told to list three reasons for and three against. After we finished our list, the class started discussing the different reasons. This girl said that she does not think that a woman should ever get an abortion. So, I asked her about in a rape situation. She said she can give up the child for adoption. For the record, I am pro-choice. I think there should be a time limit, but I am still pro-choice. So, I said to her, you mean to tell me that if a woman is raped, you think she should be forced to have her rapist baby and also going through giving a child up. She proceeded with it is not the child's fault. I said no, it isn't. But, it isn't her fault either. So, she was victimized by the rapist, then she is expected to continue to be victimized for the next nine months, forced to carry a child, then give birth to this child and hope when she gives it up, the child will go to a good home? She said well, there is always adoption. (side note, I am adopted). So, I asked her if she has ever been through the adoption process to which she said yes, I have been adopted many times. (not going to try to figure out how someone is adopted many times) But, I told her that I was also adopted, and that although it sounds great in theory, not all kids get adopted. Ok..ending this particular conversation.

One of the things my instructor does every week is bring up Brokeback Mountain. I am not sure why this movie has so much to do with the class. But he finds a way to bring it up and every week, people in the class groan and bitch about how sick it is. Are you seeing a trend?

Well, last week, I about had all I could take. One, he was talking about how if a community shares similar values, they can change the outcome of trials and things of that nature. He brought up a kid that was killed by a popular kid in the town and that the murder got off with probation because the community saw him as a good kid and the kid he killed was part of a counter culture. During this, he brought up people who are Goth. He asked the class if they knew what he meant by that and one guy yelled out, "yeah the freaks". Most instructors would have put the guy in his place. Instead, he just acted like it was nothing and continued.

If that was not enough, before our break, we were covering the mass media and he was talking about how channels are geared toward a certain group of people. Of course, the people in this class could not let that go. One woman actually said, "well I do not think it is fair that they can have black entertainment channel and we can't have a white channel, and why do we have to have black history month, that is racist." So, I turned to her and said actually, it isn't racist. She just looked at me and said there isn't a white history month. To which I said, every month is white history month.

Of course, the instructor just released us for break and didn't say a word. The woman continued to talk to other people going on about how they should put a white woman in the all black pageants and that even the Hispanics do not have stuff all to themselves. I had to leave the room because I really had enough at that point.

Sad thing is, my instructor is high up in a state job and therefore is in charge of making many decisions that affect lots of people in this state. Scary, huh?

I would think that an instructor would see that the type of comments being said in this class perpetuate discrimination and would try to educate people.

But, I guess in this class, it is ok to attack gays, blacks, Hispanics or anyone else that is not exactly like the majority in the room.

*goes shopping for a boot flask*