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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Friday, March 23, 2007

What do babies think?

I know, it has been forever since I actually WROTE something. I have posted videos here and there, but there is nothing like an actual post pertaining to something, no matter what that something is. So, here it goes.

I am sure at some point in the over 2 years I have had this blog, I have mentioned the new addition to the family. Well, the little one will be 2 tomorrow and is still providing us hours of entertainment. Being that my oldest is 9, I am sorta relearning all the old baby things that had slipped my mind over the years, much like most things, including words for everyday objects, names, dates, places, where I live. You get the picture. They say that the more higher education you get, the more of the everyday stuff you loose. Who is they? Well, my source is a friend of mine in school, that heard it on some radio show, I think. But, she has had higher education too, so who knows. But it makes sense to me. What was I going to blog about again? Oh, yeah. The baby.

Well, the baby is learning all kinds of new words, mostly ones only those who live with her understand, but new words all the same. Such as moome for movie and so on.

Anyway, along the way, she, like most children, has learned Elmo. The name and who he is. Every time she sees him, she proceeds to say Elmo, Elmo, ELMO! Being the loving parents that we are, we are sure that she just loves Elmo. This starts a trend of buying her anything Elmo. She has an Elmo bed cover with matching pillow, a baby Elmo, a regular Elmo and the ever famous TMX Elmo. Even though TMX is not allowed to do what makes him TMX, because she gets mad at us and yells and holds his hand down. If you do not know what TMX does, please google it. (see google, throwing yet some more business your way, since you obviously need it)

So, what would you expect her birthday theme to be? Elmo, of course!!

L. and I made a mad dash to the store the other day to get all the Elmo themed party favors that we could find, which lead up to a nice conversation as we fill our basket.

L.: "You know, how do you know she likes Elmo?"
Me: "Because, she says his name every time she sees him, she reaches for Elmo have seen her."
L: "Yeah, but what if she really hates Elmo and she does that cause that is the only thing she can say. I mean, wouldn't that suck, that just because you can say it, everyone thinks you like it?"
Me: "Well...uh"
L: " I can just see it now, she is going to get older and say by the way, I HATED Elmo, he gets on my nerves."
Me: laughing as I proceed to continue to fill the basket with Elmo stuff.

Which really made me think. What if she does hate Elmo? In her little baby head, she is looking at all the Elmo stuff saying "I hate that little red monster, he gets on my nerves. Stupid adults. I am a BABY, I can't say much. I say poopie too, but they do not buy me poopie stuff. When I get big enough, I am going to rip his little red head off and put it in their bed. See how they like it. I am going to turn on that damn talking Elmo and make them listen to his high pitched baby voice for hours. Just wait."

I am considering sleeping with one eye open from now on.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Take the time to watch