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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

To blog..Or not to blog..That is the question this is my first attempt at a blog. What is a blog exactly? Shall we go into the many things that one can do as a blogger? Speaking of the word blogger, my English instructor was telling us that the word dot-commer was added to the dictionary. She said that since blogs are becoming so popular, she is sure that the word blog will be added soon. Just think..I can be frontier blogger and can tell my grandchildren one day that I was a blogger before Webster knew there was such a thing as bloggers, and they will gasp at the thought and go tell all their friends about their grandma and they will be so cool because their grandma is special...*sigh* ok..back to reality..they will ask for money or candy, wipe my drool if I am lucky and run away. But it doesn't hurt to hope, does it? While I am at it..I looked it up, has the word blogger..but Webster doesn't. One of those strange things I thought I would share. Another strange thing is that blogspot's spell checker does not have the word blog in it....ok, I really must move on.

While I am on the topic of getting older, my age is really catching up with me. I catch myself doing and thinking things that make me snap back to reality of the aging process. Take for example the other day, I was sitting in the parking lot..waiting for my niece to get done with soccer practice. Of course, this is the perfect opportunity to people watch. So, I am watching the kids play and thinking happy thoughts of how much fun they are having and how nice it is to be young. So, I am watching these kids and I see one go to a car, the parking lot beside the one I am in. I am thinking, must be her parents car and she is putting her stuff in there. But, then I notice that she has the keys, and is getting in..*gasp* the drivers seat. And I think..she is too young to drive..where are her parents?!?! Then, it dawns on me..she is old enough. I am at that age..the age where kids are actually teenagers and I am getting old.

If that story isn't bad enough, I must tell you about my packing for New Years. So, every year, my beautiful wife, or girlfriend, or domestic partner (which means we are domesticated...we potty indoors and cook our food on a stove), significant other (as opposed to an other that is not significant) or spouse, do you see where I am going?..oh yeah, New Years. Anyway, L and I always go to our best friend's house to celebrate New Years. So, I am packing the usual stuff, clothes for overnight, my make-up, just in case we go out to eat the next morning, smokes, our stuff to drink, the usual. So, as I am packing, I ask L if I need to pack..are you ready for this?....our tummy pills and energy pills. Now, if that does not say getting old, I don't know what does. How many young people do you know that have to pack something to keep them awake to party and also something to protect their stomach because it just doesn't handle alcohol that well anymore? It was a sad sad day.

Well, this is my first week back to school. And, my ass is a block away..can someone go get it and bring it to me? I am hoping for a good semester. I am thinking that this one will be better because I am interested in almost all my classes. I am supposed to be reading my computer assignment for tomorrow. I realized that I wanted to put this off for bedtime reading when I read the first heading of the section. It is titled "what is a computer?" *raising eyebrow* I could be totally wrong about this but, I think I have figured that out already. It is not like I am sitting here wondering why the paper isn't coming out as I type. I mean really, does anyone ask that question anymore? I just wonder if they have had a student come in and say, "I am supposed to be in a computer class...what is a computer exactly?" So, yeah...sounds like bedtime reading to me.

Well, maybe this would be a good time to end this first ramble. I know that I will have plenty to post...after all, I see people everyday that would make really good rants.. I think I have my next one already. Wanna know what it is? Naw..I should make you wait. is a hint..when did stretch pants come back in style?


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