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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

*in Captain Kirk voice* Blog date...ah, I never watched Star Trek anyway

So, one of my fellow bloggers said to start writing and something will escape..if you blog it, they will read perhaps? Ah, who knows.

Ok..I was thinking this morning about something to blog..because my two fans wait on their daily reading. So...what came to mind, as I spent my usual two hours getting ready this morning, is this, when has casual been taken too far? Don't get me wrong..I am all for women being natural and all. I don't live by it, but hey, if that is what you like.

As a full-time college student, I know how tired you get and some days, it takes all you have to drag your ass to class. Hell, I have even showed up with the sweatshirt, jeans and hair in a ponytail. So, trust me, I understand. But...there should be a boundary as to what is just comfortable and what should be left at home.

Let me fill you in on the college I attend. I am going to a 2-yr. college, that offers programs along with degrees. Safe bet for me, because that means that there are more adults going and I won't be stuck with all these kids that have just graduated and have no clue what life is about. So, there is the background of the college.

So, I was thinking this morning that the instructors take the time in the morning to look nice. The women in nice slacks or skirts, men in dress pants and nice shirt. Sure, they get casual Friday, and they get to wear jeans. But, they still look nice. Now, I think, as a student, the least I can do is make an effort to look nice also. Apparently, I am one the few that think this way. Granted, I live my life under the school of thought of "fashion over comfort". Most people do not think that way and that is cool. But some articles of clothing should not see the light of day. Below, I will list some of these clothes.

The stretch pant: Not the spandex ones *cringes at thought*, I have not seen spandex, thank God. I am talking the ones that are cotton and come in all kinds of colors. The ones that come with a nice looking matching shirt or sweater..the nice ones, I am ok with. I am talking about the ones that are not part of a matching set. These things have no place in a school setting..why? Because they distract from my learning environment. How can I learn anything with those running around. So, ok..ya have a nice pair sitting at home..and ya have a cute shirt that all means, wear them. But, make sure the shirt covers the ass area. Because, even J-Lo's ass does not look good in those. And, I should not be forced to have to see that every single say and wonder why the hell you could not find a shirt long enough to keep me from having to see it.

Bleached clothes: Again, have no place in school. Yes, I have my clothes that I wear to clean house and things of that nature. They have paint or bleach or some other cleaner spot on them. If you come to my house, and I am cleaning, then you will see them. But, I DO NOT wear them outside of the house. Hey, I can understand..your are cleaning, you run out of something, you run to the store, that makes sense. But, you have known for days that you have a class to go to. This is not something new. Is that the only thing you could find to wear that day? I mean...out of all the things you own, you choose the bleached out house-cleaning clothes?

T-shirts with holes in them: I mean, come on?? No other shirt was there to wear? NONE?

Those are the only ones I can think of, I am sure I will add more.

Ok, so before people start going off about how they do not have the money for new clothes, I want to make this clear. I am not saying buy something new, I am saying that I have seen these people in clothes that are not in the above mentioned list. I am talking about people just not caring enough to make an effort. Remember, I am a poor college student too. But, damn people! Is it that hard to make the effort in the morning?

If I can get a kid that is just as concerned with looking nice as I am to school, go to school and be a freakin Girl Scout leader, then you people can take the extra 5 minutes it takes to find something presentable to wear. That way I can come to class and learn, instead of saying wtf made them decide to wear that today??

*sigh* I am so glad I got that off my chest. This just really bugs me. I mean, where are the days of making a good impression?

Ok ok ok, end rant here.


At 6:40 AM, Blogger Nurse D said...

Hi Mackenzie,

Glad you enjoy my blog! About the "all these kids that have just graduated and have no clue what life is about" really let me down", I do not believe that about all the ones that are just out of high school. I have ran into quite a few that are very mature and cool. It just seems the ones that I have class with do not fall under this category. You know the ones I am talking about, the ones that talk about how some girl that was in band can't be pregnant because girls that are in band don't get any action. The ones that continue to giggle in the back of the room during every lecture. Those are the ones I refer to. Age doesn't matter to me, maturity does. Although, during an anatomy class, I saw adults giggling during the muscle lecture because it showed the genital area of a male and female. So, I should have rephrased to stress the immature people, regardless of age. :-)

I couldn't access your profile to read your blog. Hope to get a chance to read it soon!

Take care and keep up the good work in school!


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