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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Monday, January 17, 2005

My only excuse is the cold medicine made me do it

As I am sure you have noticed, I have added my puppies to my profile picture. Why? Because they are cuter than I am. I noticed during my winter break from school that I have developed a huge, if not unhealthy, attachment to my little furry family members. I am at the point that I miss them when I am gone, even if it is an hour for class. I talk to them all day and in the middle of the night. It is scary. But, they are my babies, and therefore, their pictures shall be on every website that will let me put them there! They make you smile and you know it.

Anyway, I am sick. Thanks to L feeling this need to share everything, including her sickness. So, here I am taking a script that the Doctor gave me when I had the flu. The way I look at it, if it was good enough for that, it will work for this. I can never take them for very long because of the side-effects. The label warns you not to stand up quickly, because you could pass out. I am starting to think that is a small price to pay compared to the upside of the other side-effects. With these pills, I am in la la land, have energy(although I do not sleep that much), and not hungry. This is better than any diet pill I have came across. Yes, I am taking the risk of falling out in a classroom full of people, but my jeans are getting baggy. Maybe I should take a hard look at my priorities. Although, L is not letting me go too long without eating. So, my diet plan is not working as well as it could be. But, I did make it to all my classes today. I feel like shit, but I have enough energy to drag my ass in there and pay attention, well as much as I can in la la land. Every once in awhile, I stop and look at the pretty colors. I haven't had anyone stare at me with the look of "what is wrong with that woman", so I think I am faking having it together quite well. I haven't been able to read anything for more than 5 minutes..but...oh..what is that on the t.v.? Oh wait, I am writing. Oh yeah, I can't stay focused very well, but I am there in body, which in my book makes it a good day. My goal this semester is to actually show up for class. Unlike last semester, when I just wanted to show up to the class of my favorite instructor. I will do my ode to Mrs. N. sometime. She is one awesome woman. But, that is a post all its own.

So, one of my fans suggested posting about my experience as a mom. I always have funny stories that I forget till she reminds me of something I have told here it goes...

As my family knows, I am not to be trusted around candy. It is like my own personal addiction. Candy and donuts. Now, if I am to continue to be able to wear the clothes that I own, I must be kept away from those two things. So, after getting into the child's Halloween pumpkin one too many times, I requested that it be hidden from me. I am going to assume that it was hidden in her bedroom. Well, with candy out of sight and out of mind, things went smooth for a few months. So, the other day I was in the bathroom, getting ready to go somewhere and the little one approaches me with an offering of candy. Please refer to the beginning of this paragraph. So, I politely decline and say, "it is your candy, keep it". She tells me no, I want to share it with you. So, here we are, her offering me chocolate and my addiction kicks in. I try though. I say no again. She says please, for me? Now, who can resist that? So, I take it and pop it in my mouth. She asks if it is good and I tell her yes and thank you. So, off she skips to the other room. From where I am, eating my candy, I hear the following conversation.

Little one: L, would you like some candy? (keep in mind that L does not share above mentioned addiction and is not as easily influenced as I am when it comes to chocolate)

L: No thank you honey, you keep it.

Little one: Please L? I want to share it with you.

L :No thank you, it is your candy.

Little one: Please???? Mom ate some.

Keep in mind, I am still chewing on said piece of candy, and smiling at this cute conversation...thinking that L will be weak like I was and just take it.

L : Where did you get it?

Little one: From the closet.

Now, this is where it kicks in for me. I am eating candy...from the closet. Now, I am not sure if this candy was in a box..or just lying there in the open space for months. Who knows??

L: Well, honey, you should not eat candy from the closet.

Little one: Well, mom ate it.

So, this is where I run into the room and at least make sure it was in the box before she gave it to me. To this day I am not sure if it was. The little one said it was, but I am not sure I really believe her. So, for those of you reading, never take candy without asking where it came from first.

Well, since my time of focusing on something is up and I am out of things to write about. I hope to get well soon so I can blog daily. Well, it could be more than once at day. Who knows? Oh...look at the pretty colors............


At 6:44 AM, Blogger Nurse D said...

Thank you! I hope to get better too! I am glad you have started reading! I may have 3 fans now! yay me!


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