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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Dinner time!

It is no secret that I am not good at cooking. For example, L. asked me to start baked potatoes one day. She said to wrap them up and put them in the toaster oven and let them cook. So, I followed the instructions exactly like she had asked. About 5 hours later, we decided to eat something different, so we put them in the fridge, with plans to eat them the next day. L. put them in the toaster oven the next day to warm them up and about 2 hours later, she checked them. They were still raw in the middle. We still have not figured out how someone can cook a potato for 7 hours and it not be done.

This is not the only time. I was in charge of the Thankmas turkey. (You would think she would learn, right?) Anyway, I ask her the night before to please write down the directions for me, in detail. She says, it is easy. Wrap up the turkey in foil, put it in the oven and let it cook. So, I ask "wrap it up?" She says yes, wrap it up. I am thinking, I can do this, no problem. I get the turkey and read the directions on it and it does not say anything about wrapping it up. So...I was like well, L. said to. I take the foil, put the turkey in the middle and wrap it, much like a Christmas present. It looked nice. I stuck it in the oven. L. comes home early to find the turkey, wrapped nicely for Thankmas, in the oven and is shocked. She says how many turkeys have you seen wrapped like this????? I said well none, but I don't cook them. They could have been wrapped like that! I am thinking she saved the turkey just in time.

As you can see, it is safer for me to just buy food on the way home. She asks me what I did before we got together. I said I had fast food, vending machines and easy mac. I was set!

Anyway, I was really tempted tonight to stop at McDonald's on the way home. After all, the kid was begging me to. But, against my better judgment, I decided to cook for my little angels. (Feeling sorry for them yet?) I went with something that I at least know how to cook. Chicken strips.

We get home and I get everyone set up to chill out while I cook. Cooking for me takes total concentration. One time, I was cooking frozen burritos and burned them. Not to mention countless things, including my p.js that have been burnt. Anyway, the baby and the older one are supposed to be hanging out in the den. On the way to the den, the older one falls, in the kitchen floor. Odd thing is, there was nothing in the floor to trip over. So, now she is crying. So kisses, hugs, all that and send her on her way. Now, back to the task at hand. I put the chicken in the microwave to thaw, have the oil getting hot and decide this is a good time to step outside for a cig. I get outside and get one lit when the smoke alarm goes off and the older one is at the backdoor, holding the little one, yelling fire drill!!

This would be the point I banged my head against the door.

So, I come in, no fire, no damn smoke, nothing. But, the super sensitive smoke alarm detected something. Since I am so short, I have to get something to get it to stop. The older one finds this very entertaining and proceeds to laugh at me. After I am done, I give the kiddos something to snack on and get my chicken ready. Then the baby starts screaming.

I decided that in the den was not a good place for the kids. So I move them up to the dining area so I can keep an eye on them. There is the baby, with a cookie in each hand, and food all over her. The older one is dancing circles around her. As I start to flour the chicken, I get bumped by the dog running over my feet and end up with flour all over me.

After much cussing under my breath, and many stops to get more cookies and to kick the dogs out, the food is ready. So, I set up the baby's chair, so she can eat and getting plates ready. Here is the one for the big kid, baby's is cooling, one for the wife, since she is at work and mine. I go to put the baby in her seat and find that, even though she can not crawl, she has made her way to the dog dish and is reaching for dog food.

I run to her while saying nooo nooo and hearing the big one laugh at me. Finally, we sit down for dinner.

Next time, I am buying McDonalds.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A special post

I have to give a special thank you to ocB for sharing her addiction of Pogo with me and the wife.

Now, we have no clean clothes, the kids are lost, we have forgotten how to cook, I live on coffee and all we can do is work towards badges.

Uh, thanks.

Happy New Year!

It is 2006!!

And I have been blogging for a year! Just because I do not blog all the time, it still counts damn it!

I really hope for a wonderful year. Last year was so horrible in disasters. But, in my little family, it was pretty good. With the arrival of our little angel, I have to call it a good year.

So, you have to have some type of resolution right? Mine is to be better at showing up for class. It seems small, but as much school as I miss, that is a pretty big one.

With 2006 comes my 10 year school reunion. I do not feel old enough to be thinking about a reunion.

It is really strange when you start thinking back. It seems like a million years ago.

As far as I know, I am the only one from my class that came out as a lesbian. I have talked to a few people since high school. All of which, I have came out to.

Which brings up an interesting subject. I have always bragged that my coming out experience has, compared to most, not been bad. My parents are supportive, most of my family has been and no one has said anything hateful to my face. But, when I sit and think about it, the majority of my friends that I have come out to, have the same canned response. The "Oh, that is ok. I have no problem with gay people, as long as you are happy." Then, we make the plans to get together, for dinner or whatever. Then, I never hear from them again. So, I guess I can not say that everyone has been so supportive. I am sure that is something the GLBT community faces all the time.

So, when I think about if there is a reunion, I wonder how that is going to go. I know that pretty much everyone I went to school with knows by now. I know that there are a few people that I could sit and talk with, because they do keep in touch. But, then there is this feeling of do I want to be the circus freak for the entertainment of those that are not really "ok" with it. I guess time will tell.

No matter what, I want to try to make 2006 a kick-ass year and I hope the same for all of you!!!!!!!!

Holiday Decorations

With the holiday season over and the warm fuzzy feelings that go along with it long gone, I feel safe posting about this topic.

When it comes to holiday decorations, I am not sure if I should feel sorry for people or see if I can get them committed.

Honestly, I see it every year. People start dragging out all the decorations they have and buying more. It is almost a contest in our neighborhood. If one house gets something new, the house beside it has to get two new things. And not even smart purchases. For example, they have a big snow globe thing, that airs up, for $150.00. It is full of AIR!!! Let's think about this for a minute. We have all owned air mattress and things like that. How long does air-filled objects last? Even if you treat them with kid gloves. Oh, maybe a year or two, if you leave them inside, protected. If you have kids, anything air-filled will pop in a month or so.

We live in tornado alley, not that we get them during Christmas, but still, the weather here is, well crazy. So, here they are, trying to strap down a big ass snow globe with 60 mph winds. What all the work boils down to is, their house looks great the day they buy the air-filled decorations. Then, we get one of those windy days and there goes the decorations. Or, even worse, they get popped. You can drive by and there is Tigger in all his aired up glory, then two hours later, there is just a big glob of orange in their yard.

And they repeat this, year after year. Same with the thousands of lights on the outside of the house. We decorate here. I put up the tree and all the stuff inside the house. But it seems pointless to me to spend all that time, in the freezing cold, hanging lights, just to take them down a month later.

I know I can not be the only one that feels this way!

*cough* bah humbug *cough*

What the ???? again

I think this speaks for itself!!