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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy New Year!

It is 2006!!

And I have been blogging for a year! Just because I do not blog all the time, it still counts damn it!

I really hope for a wonderful year. Last year was so horrible in disasters. But, in my little family, it was pretty good. With the arrival of our little angel, I have to call it a good year.

So, you have to have some type of resolution right? Mine is to be better at showing up for class. It seems small, but as much school as I miss, that is a pretty big one.

With 2006 comes my 10 year school reunion. I do not feel old enough to be thinking about a reunion.

It is really strange when you start thinking back. It seems like a million years ago.

As far as I know, I am the only one from my class that came out as a lesbian. I have talked to a few people since high school. All of which, I have came out to.

Which brings up an interesting subject. I have always bragged that my coming out experience has, compared to most, not been bad. My parents are supportive, most of my family has been and no one has said anything hateful to my face. But, when I sit and think about it, the majority of my friends that I have come out to, have the same canned response. The "Oh, that is ok. I have no problem with gay people, as long as you are happy." Then, we make the plans to get together, for dinner or whatever. Then, I never hear from them again. So, I guess I can not say that everyone has been so supportive. I am sure that is something the GLBT community faces all the time.

So, when I think about if there is a reunion, I wonder how that is going to go. I know that pretty much everyone I went to school with knows by now. I know that there are a few people that I could sit and talk with, because they do keep in touch. But, then there is this feeling of do I want to be the circus freak for the entertainment of those that are not really "ok" with it. I guess time will tell.

No matter what, I want to try to make 2006 a kick-ass year and I hope the same for all of you!!!!!!!!


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