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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Ok, so I suck at keeping up a blog..but I have good reasons..

Ok, so I looked at the date of my last post and I know that is just horrible. But, after you read this post, it will all make sense to you.

This summer started off innocent enough. I was forced into taking a summer class. Well, forced is maybe not the best word to use, but here was my choices. I could take this class in the summer and maybe be able to start the nursing program in January OR I can not take the class and put off going into the program for a year. 1 summer or 1 year....sounds like force to me.

Anywho, so here I am, dragging my ass out of bed and the nice cool house to drive 30 mins to another campus for this class. Ok, so most of the time I did not make it there. But, I did get a B out of the class, so that is good enough for me.

My instructor of this class allows us to do quizzes and lab reports online and I am all excited! That means less time in class. Let's face it, she didn't want to be there either.

So, my summer sounds pretty easy-going. Go to class 2 days a week and do stuff online and I am good to go.

*laughs* Only if.....

So, first of all, my wife's monitor breaks. When I say break, I mean the thing sounded like it would explode at any minute. We were all afraid to touch it because it had this sound of well..straight electric current. So, we had to resort to sharing a computer, with plans of getting a new monitor. Which was not so bad because she works in the evenings and I could do my homework. Although, the days of playing side by side on the computer was over for awhile. So, here I am, calling all over town trying to find someone that will either fix a monitor (most places don't btw) or sell me a monitor. I thought that would be the big event of the summer. *laughs again*

Well, this is how it all happened. My wife's niece had a baby. The baby was premature, 10 weeks to be exact. They thought the little baby would not make it. Long story, trauma at birth, the whole 9 yards. Anyway, the baby has been in the hospital for a few months and it is getting closer to time for the baby to come home. And the niece, who has 2 toddlers, realizes she can not take care of this special needs infant. So, it was one of those situations of what does the family do? Well, they call my wife and say the baby may not have a home to go to. So, of course, my wife says that would not happen, we have room if it comes to that!

Now, this is the timeline of how the events happened. On Sunday, we get a phone call from wife's sister. Says, niece is here, upset but wants to talk to you about the baby. Wife goes to sister's house then to the hospital to see the baby. On Wednesday, niece signs over the baby to wife so the baby can be discharged into wife's custody. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, me and wife are up at the hospital doing bedside care and learning about baby. We are told on Saturday by the Dr. that he is going to do tests on Monday, we come up on Tuesday to do an overnight stay and she can go home on Wednesday. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard me right. We had a week and a half to change our lives from no baby to new baby.

So, for the past month, we have had a little baby in the house. Who eats every 3 hours. Sometimes every 2 or 1 but at most 3. I forgot what sleep is. I function on energy pills. Although, my wife will say that she gets less sleep than me. Which is true sometimes, when I don't want to get out of bed again because I am FREAKINTIREDOFDEALINGWITHTHEKIDS!! *smiles*

Now you see why I am asking for your forgiveness for not blogging as much as I was before because every time I move from the room the baby is in, um she screams. And when she is not screaming, the older kid wants to eat, or hurt her toe, or wants me to dress her doll. And when that is not going on, I am outside in the 100 degree weather smoking because we can not smoke in the house anymore because of the baby.

The older one starts school on Wednesday and I start carrying my 15 credit hours next Monday. Wish us luck!!

See....I told you I had a good reason. But, things are calming down and I really hope to be blogging more soon. I miss it and sometimes...I really need to!

Much love to you all!!!


At 9:38 AM, Blogger Bent Fabric said...

First of all...THUNK!!! That's me keeling over from shock at the sight of you posting.

Secondly, EEKS!! What a humongous responsibily in such a short time. Wow, if I'm stunned I can't even imagine how you and the wife must feel.

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Nurse D said...

LOL! When you figure out how to get back up from the shock, let me know, so I can too!

Yeah, I was crazy enough to think that getting my tubes tied and coming out as a lesbian pretty much told me that there would be no little babies around. What was I thinking? LOL

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Nurse D said...

I want a new car! I want a new car! I want a new car!

Ok people, you see it here. There is the 3 times rule. Let's see what happens!


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