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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Christian Therapy?

To continue my stories of woe with this semester, I bring you, my psych instructor. Now, as some people may know, psychology is one of my favorite things and I had been looking forward to this class for awhile. I would love to do psych nursing someday. Anyway..back to the story....

So, my psych instructor has been somewhat cool this semester. I do not agree with his rule of "if you miss more than 3 days in a semester, you get 10 points taken off for every day", but all in all, he has been ok...

Till we got to couples counseling.

He is talking about how couples counseling focuses on the problem is the responsibility of the couple and the problem lies between the man and woman. For the record, had he stopped there, it would not have bothered me. It is assumed that all people are straight until proven otherwise, so I was ok with that. Then he says, or the man and the man, but we won't go there. Now, I raise my eyebrow and the rest of the class just overlooks the remark or giggles at him saying that. He says well, in my work, I would not be dealing with that.

Forever the curious type, I approach after class and ask him if he still does counseling.

He tells me he does. So, I say but you do not do same sex couples counseling? And he is quick to reply; "NO, I don't believe in it. I do CHRISTIAN counseling", as I stand there with my pride necklace on. I reply ohhh, I seeeee. He informs me that he provides it for the church he is a pastor at. :-O

I would love to say that I respect his opinion, but I can't. This had ruined this class for me!! Granted, I don't think he has a clue that I am gay or anything...but still, I find it hard to go in there 3 days a week and listen to him..because in my mind, I have lost respect.



At 4:00 PM, Blogger pack of 2 said...

I often fell ripped off if I like someone & then find that they are against same-sex couples.

It sucks when that happens. I had an employee that worked for me who had a very sick child. I asked our company's owner & several of our vendors to donate money to pay medical costs. I raised several thousand dollars for her family.

A few years later (2004 elections), I found out that she thinks my life is a sin & voted to "protect" marriage from people like me. I was devastated.

I don't work with her any longer & for obvious reasons do not keep in touch...nor do I respect her as I once did.

I know how you feel...sorry to hear that.


At 2:35 PM, Blogger Nurse D said...

Yes, it really bites when people are so closed-minded.

But, I guess it is something that is not going to change any time soon.

I will be posting more about things from this summer once I am finished with this summer class. Tomorrow is the last test and final!!!

At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK.... so I'm bored, and scrolling through these....

The man erred when he called his service a "Christian" service-we all know, those of us who ever saw the New Testament anyway, that Jesus Christ was not about exclusion-He said that the way you lived your life could be settled up between you and God when the time came. Now, if I interpret that correctly, that means I don't need to concern myself with how you live your life-my worry should be on how I live mine.

The man is a Jesusistani, not to be confused with a Christian (but not unreasonable to confuse with a Wahhabi, or a Salafi.)


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