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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Why this semester is killing me...

I know that every gay person has at least one story about some stupid person that thinks they are the expert in what "those gays" think and how you sit in horror wondering how they can come up with such things. Here is mine....

The other day in Computer class, some smart guy decides to talk about Humanities class. Granted, most of the time there are no conversations going on in this class. We all sit, nice and quiet, at our computers and try our very best to get all of our assignments in and get the hell out of there. But today, this guy decides to get a conversation started.

And it had to be about gay people.

Not just any gay person though..the Greek gay people. So, out of nowhere he informs the class that " All the people in Greece were gay" (um..hey genius, how did they have Greek people if they were all gay? There would be no reproduction and therefore no Greek people). So, this other guy pipes up and says "that's true! they all were." (wow, we have two smart ones here) Now, the instructor is not saying anything. So, this lady, and I use the word loosely here, says "well they believed it was ok to love everyone" (is that a bad thing?) "you know that is what those gays believe, they believe that loving everyone is ok, they think everything is ok" (um love is not bad, but I think lots of things are not killing people and stealing and..well you know where I am going with this). Then she proceeds to inform the class that "there are no virgins in the gays either".

So, now I am pissed. Not only are these people openly gay bashing, but the instructor is allowing it!!! All she said was is how she could not teach Humanities because she can not remember all that stuff. No, hey guys, this is computer class, get to work..nothing.

Now, I have a few options at this point. I can stand up with my fist in the air and go on and on about how stupid they are and liberate myself and my fellow "gays".

I can keep quiet and just do my work.

So, since I was so upset, I sat there for a few minutes. The more I thought about it, the madder I got. To the point, I was shaking.

I decided to take my own approach. I raised my hand and called my instructor over. I looked at her and asked to leave. She looks, with a little concern, and asks if the conversation upset me. To which I replied, in an appearance of a hushed voice, but loud enough to be heard that "As a lesbian, I am offended. What right does any one have to judge me and that is what they were doing. And even though I am offended, I choose to keep my opinion to myself because I refuse to turn her classroom into my soap box. And how bold of people to assume that everyone in the room is straight. That no one knows what I think or feel. And even after over 4 years of being out, it still shocks me the stupidity of other people when it comes to something they know nothing about". At this point, the instructor begins to apologize and say how she has gay friends and she wasn't sure what to say. Should she let the conversation die down or should she tell them to get to work. She said she wasn't sure what to do. So, I point out to her that I have instructors that would stop the conversation and do not allowing bashing in her class. While we were talking, the lady that was being a big mouth leaves the classroom.

Now, I just want to say..what is with people and the "I have gay friends"? I don't give a shit what friends you have!! What good are you doing those friends and the gay people in your class when you openly allowing bashing?? Do you honestly think it makes things all better to tell me you are friends with gay people? I am not looking for approval, I am looking for someone to take control of a class room that is allowed to bash people and get away with it!

/end rant for now


At 11:24 AM, Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Good for you for standing up for yourself. The "But I have gay friends" rebuttal always pisses me off, too. Like they're saying it's okay to gay bashing because they have an "in."


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