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Friday, January 28, 2005

Things not to try when you have PMS

*In Count von Count voice* 3 posts in 1 day..Count them..1..2 ..3 Posts in one day!! ha ha ha

Ok, I admit that I am not the easiest person to get along with one week out of the month. I have no problem admitting it..that is, AFTER the PMS is over. Now, during that one week, it is never my fault. NEVER!! Now that we have that out of the way..I will list some things I have learned this past week. (side note: Tread carefully with comments, the PMS is not over yet.) is my list of things I have learned not to try during PMS....

  1. Do not attempt to quit smoking.
    This task is hard enough without the stress of PMS with it. I went from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. without smoking. During that time I did not like anyone or anything. Combine that with PMS, it is a miracle that I did not have to hide any bodies. At one point, I had L. begging me to smoke. So, I decided to attempt to "change my habits" by freezing my ass off and smoking outside. So far, it is working. But the longer the PMS lasts, the more I smoke. I think I am getting a cold.

  2. Do not attempt to diet.
    Again, something that is hard enough on its own. For some reason, during PMS, I feel this need to eat twice as much. The more sugar, the better for me and my mood. I want anything that is at least 70% sugar. I will eat sugar plain if that is the only thing available to me. This makes trying to diet very, very hard. Combine that with #1, and well, lets just say it is better to stay the hell out of my way and if you happen to run into me, you better be holding chocolate or cigarettes.

  3. Baking a birthday cake for a kid.
    Ok, I get this urge to nest. I want everything to be perfect! And, please refer to #2 on the list. So, in an attempt to be a really cool mom, I made my little one a cake for her birthday. L. and I picked out this really neat cake that had pink icing with candy hearts and candy pieces in the cake itself. I figured a cake like that should not be put in just any old cake pan. So, I tore up the house looking for a bunt cake pan. I thought the little decoration and the fact that it is an odd shape would make it very cool. Little did I know that the designs do not show up when you use thick icing. Here is the end result.

  4. Attempting to take care of sick family members.
    Please refer to
    my loving wife's blog to see how it goes when I take care of them.

  5. Going to all my classes.
    It seems that every time I vow to make it to all my classes, fate laughs at me and says "yeah right". Between the kid's birthday, my cousin passing away unexpectedly and numbers 1 through 4, you can see where actually making it to all my classes was not going to happen this week. So, now I feel like a horrible student because I missed so much this week and plan on spending the weekend trying to get caught up. *sigh*
So, as you can see, these are not things to attempt while you have PMS. Now, if you will excuse me, I need a smoke, some chocolate and a shot of nighttime cold medicine.


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