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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The last week of class before finals...

And it does suck!!!!

I am supposed to be writing my last psychology essay and I just can't. As you can see, I am not. I am blogging instead. *sigh*

See, I am supposed to be writing about how positive thinking helps a person cope with stress. And all I can think about is how I am missing Trauma, Life in the ER on the discovery health channel. *a slight addiction to that channel. you should really watch it sometime*

So, I am trying to be insightful about how positive thinking is a good way to cope with stress. But, I am positive that this essay is stressing me out. I think it is totally defeating the purpose. A positive thing to do to deal with stress is not to give us this essay the last freaking week!!!

Of course, I find it hard to enjoy this class after the whole "Christian therapist" comment. I posted it on my blog, too lazy to link and will give ya a good reason to read other parts of my blog.

So, I have launchcast blaring in hopes of some sort of inspiration.

I sat down and made out a schedule for next semester. Although, I can not enroll until I know some other things. For example, if I have brought up my GPA in another class, or do I have to retake it? If I don't, did I get the student loan for the summer class? *sigh* Stress that is out of my hands.

So, I sit and wait for a letter to come in the mail, my average in class and the moon to align just right while I am dancing naked...*looks around* You know you do it too. Anyway, I can't enroll for next semester until I find out some other stuff. My luck, all the classes I need will be full.

*looks at essay outline* Maybe I can learn how to deal with stress.

*shrug* Back to dancing to music, pouting because I want to watch Discovery health and try to write a decent essay.

Hugs everyone!


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Maybe positive thinking might help with the stress of writing that paper, the stress of waiting for the letter and the stress of trying to raise your GPA. :) I'm so insightful, aren't I?

Seriously, wish I could help. I've never been a positvie thinker but I'm working on it. Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.

At 9:56 PM, Blogger Nurse D said...

*looks for webcam hidden somewhere in computer room*

*thinks how Yuanto should be working*
Tsk tsk are just as bad as me!!!

Love to you!

And Bent...very insightful!! Want to write the paper for me?



At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Positive thinking huh? pfft. Thats what I have to say lol.

Miss you girls.

Good luck with finals if I dont talk to you.


At 6:48 AM, Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Write a paper? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're a funny, funny, woman. You should take your act on the road. :p I'm dreading Grad School because I know there'll be lots of papers involved. Ick! I think I'd rather drill holes in my toes. How many pages does it have to be?

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Nurse D said...

ocB....I am with ya on the positive thinking. It sucks! LOL Thanks about is next week and I only have to go two days next week!! YAY!! So, I should be around more. I hope to talk to you soon.

It was 500 to 600 words. It is called the art of bullshit and the reason I make good grades on them. I have found that you can bullshit your way though psychology. Just pretend you know what you are talking about...use some big words...and ta da! Instapaper. :-)


At 8:59 PM, Blogger Bent Fabric said...

LOL! 500-600 words isn't that bad. I'm familiar with the BS technique. I had a teacher who called me "the biggest bullshit artist she has ever taught." Funny, she always gave me A's.

Again, good luck with your exams.

At 2:54 AM, Blogger C'lam said...

ok, so i just found this blog, and here i am reading it and enjoying it, and its only when i come to comment i notice the date of the last post.


At 10:55 PM, Blogger Nurse D said...

Sory about that. I am in summer school hell! I will be blogging very very soon! I promise! I hope you come back soon!


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