Thursday, November 17, 2005
Previous Posts
- Why my back hates me
- Last few weeks of this semester
- Ah...the poor people that searched and ended up he...
- Oh how time causes the memory to fade....
- Ok, so I suck at keeping up a blog..but I have goo...
- The last week of class before finals...
- Lookie at all the posts!
- A somewhat public outing...

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I adopted my houseplant from the Gayla's Garden Houseplant Adoption Center!
Daily Visits
I chanced upon your blog from LunaDyke's blog. The whole average gal full time student, mom, lesbian rings a bell. Reminds me of my own life. I will stop by from time to time if that is ok with you.
I am glad you stopped by! Hope to hear more from you soon!!
You have a "fan base" that would make some psych major a great basis for his or her Ph, D. thesis.
I have my own fans, of course, but they are usually of the "liberals should all be shot" mindset-not the wide variety that you seem to get the attention of.
On second thought, knowing what wack jobs Jesusistanis tend to be, maybe we have the same fan base after all...
I guess an odd "fan base" is better than nothing. I am just glad someone looks here, even if by mistake!
Rest easy though, I am a fan of yours and a liberal!
Scary aint it?
Very scary!
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year Bent!
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