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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Last few weeks of this semester

For those of you that have not been in college, the last few weeks of the semester is like working a two week notice at a job. You are past caring anymore, you are just counting down the days till it is over.

That is where I am at now. I have a horrible case of studying ADD. It isn't that I don't TRY to study, I do.

My evenings go something like this:

Get book, paper, pencil, calculator and notes and take them to the den.
Sit down and realize I forgot to get something to drink.
Get drink, sit down and realize I forgot my glasses.
Get glasses, sit down.
Wonder why things look funny, remember that contacts are still in.
Go put glasses up, sit back down.
Open book and decide that I need to smoke before I get started.
Since it is now cold out, get robe, house shoes and cig.
Step outside, smoke as fast as possible, run back in.
Open book and realize I need to pee.
Go to the bathroom, come back to den and sit.
Baby cries
Get up, make bottle for baby, move books and begin to feed baby.
Get baby happy and sit down and realize that I need to smoke before I start.

So see, it really isn't my fault!

Anyway, I do not have any really good stories from this semester. I didn't take another of Mrs. N's classes this semester,which makes going to school harder.

Although, my history instructor is too funny. He has kept me entertained this semester.

I did get cat-called the other day! It had been so long that I wasn't sure what it was, or if it was me they were doing it at. But, since I was the only person in the hall besides them, I think it was me.

Hopefully next semester will be better. I am taking night classes and one online course. Can you imagine what that will be like? I will have a good excuse to be on the computer. But honneeyyy, I have to be in here for my classssssss. :-)

I see lots more blogging in my future!


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