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A place for me to share my thoughts about everyday life with anyone who loves to read blogs or are just bored..or maybe they are lost in cyberspace and stuck here listening to my ramblings...or....well, you get the picture.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Oh how time causes the memory to fade....

Ok, so we all have them. The clothes that range from "as if" size to the "I have to diet or buy new clothes" size. Right? The jeans you dust off, hold up and wonder if they fit, but decide not to torture yourself with putting them on. We have all been there.

Ok, so a little history. My wife and I have been together almost 5 years. When we met, I was in the "as if" size that has been in my closet. Now, logic would tell us that obviously she found that attractive..because, well, we have been together almost 5 years. During this time, I have went through the whole range of sizes in the closet. My weight gives new meaning to yo-yo.

Anyway, so this summer, I decided that I would visit our local diet doctor. I had about 10 pounds or so that I wanted to loose that I couldn't do through those stimulant diet pills. So, I paid more than I care to admit to loose this weight. So, for a couple of months, I was taking my pills and lost weight! But, once we got the baby, I realized that the diet pills needed to be put on hold. But, the good thing about it was that I broke myself of the bad habit of regular soda (just diet now), the full calorie cookies, the peanut butter, chips and things like that. My doctor did say that changing to diet soda and eating less peanut butter and cheese would make a difference. I can say that it has!! I am back into the "as if" size and feeling pretty good about it. I still eat, because I love food. But, I just got rid of some of the bad stuff.

Now, of course this weight did not fall off overnight. So, you would think that my loving wife would notice this change and would not be in any state of shock about it, right? Wrong.

After um, 3 months of loosing weight, she sees me naked the other night. Now, to most, that would be a nightly thing with their partner. With a 5 month old and a 7 year old, that is a rare sighting. The fact that she saw me naked was a freak accident. I was in route to the shower, she was walking down the hall, boom, naked sighting. She did stare for a second, like she wasn't sure what she was looking at. Then, proceeding to remember this was something she was attracted to, whistled and cat called me like a good wife should. So, I was feeling pretty good. I mean, 5 years almost and she still likes what she sees.....that has to be good.

So, later on in the evening, it is bed time. Most of the time, the only parts of our bodies that actually touch is our feet. For some reason, everyone in the house thinks they must climb into our bed at some point. And the baby has made herself a place in the bed as well. But, that night, she was actually sleeping in her little bed in the same room. Now, you remember that just a couple of hours before, the naked sighting happened. So, she decides to cuddle up to me and makes this huge discovery...she says you are too skinny! I was like what? She said, I like it when you have more weight on you. And, removes her arm and pouts. Now.....we have not got to cuddle in forever and she just now notices the weight loss? I mean, it has been a couple of hours, not months since she saw me!

So, after that night, she watches everything I eat and bitches that she likes it better when I am bigger. So, I remind her that when we got together, I was about the same size as I am now. She says, I don't like it. How can she not like it? IT is what she liked when we met!

Finally, after a couple of days of this type of conversation she says....."I was smaller when we met so that is why I don't like it now." All of the hell she put me through...and it wasn't even about me!

*sighs* At least she isn't monitoring my food as much now.


At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol...women! heh

Miss you girls!

Less than three.

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Nurse D said...

Miss you too!!

Less than three.


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