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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Holiday Decorations

With the holiday season over and the warm fuzzy feelings that go along with it long gone, I feel safe posting about this topic.

When it comes to holiday decorations, I am not sure if I should feel sorry for people or see if I can get them committed.

Honestly, I see it every year. People start dragging out all the decorations they have and buying more. It is almost a contest in our neighborhood. If one house gets something new, the house beside it has to get two new things. And not even smart purchases. For example, they have a big snow globe thing, that airs up, for $150.00. It is full of AIR!!! Let's think about this for a minute. We have all owned air mattress and things like that. How long does air-filled objects last? Even if you treat them with kid gloves. Oh, maybe a year or two, if you leave them inside, protected. If you have kids, anything air-filled will pop in a month or so.

We live in tornado alley, not that we get them during Christmas, but still, the weather here is, well crazy. So, here they are, trying to strap down a big ass snow globe with 60 mph winds. What all the work boils down to is, their house looks great the day they buy the air-filled decorations. Then, we get one of those windy days and there goes the decorations. Or, even worse, they get popped. You can drive by and there is Tigger in all his aired up glory, then two hours later, there is just a big glob of orange in their yard.

And they repeat this, year after year. Same with the thousands of lights on the outside of the house. We decorate here. I put up the tree and all the stuff inside the house. But it seems pointless to me to spend all that time, in the freezing cold, hanging lights, just to take them down a month later.

I know I can not be the only one that feels this way!

*cough* bah humbug *cough*


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