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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Paranormal Activity

Those of you that know us well, know that we are very much into ghosts. We will watch anything about hauntings or horror movies that have a ghost plot line. So, when we had our own little unexplainable activity, we were quite excited. Here is the story.

Since the baby has come home, we spend an obscene amount of time in the den. We are really getting our money's worth out of Direct TV. Also, my wife has been working evenings and sometimes she is very tired and well, a bit out of her mind. So, when she started seeing something, I kinda assumed that it was the lack of sleep talking and overlooked it. Apparently, there was something or someone strange in our laundry room.

My wife was the first to see the strange activity. I do not know how long this went on before she came to me. Usually, I am the one in the house claiming that there is something strange going on and my wife rolls her eyes or giggles and goes on with her business. So, for her to finally come to me and ask me about the laundry room, it had to have been bothering her awhile.

So, here is how it all happened. We are all hanging out watching tv and L. jumps up and says did you see that? Now, L. is not the type to panic, so when she said it, in that tone, I admit I was a bit concerned. After identifying that it was a strange movement in the laundry room, we proceeded to watch the laundry room door more than the t.v.

So, every time we were in the den. We would watch. Apparently, our being would move up the door, but we would not see it come down for hours. Then, one or the other would see it drop. Of course, if you saw said activity, you had to announce it. That way, the other person was aware that whatever IT was, had in fact, moved from its last position. This went on for a couple of weeks. So, I would go to class and when I got home, L. would inform me that IT had moved up and she has not seen it fall. My job in the evening was to watch for IT and report back that it had fell. Sometimes IT would not fall for a day or so. Other times, IT would go up and down in the same hour. Finally, L. was freaked out. She was convinced that something was messing with her and was to the point of not liking the den so much. This was as close as she has gotten to believing in ghosts and she was none to happy with the one we did have.

About the third or fourth week into this, we found IT. SAW IT. Actually, L. did. Here is what happened.

L. was sitting in the floor, feeding the baby, when she yelled out to me that we had a mouse.

Now, it is not a big secret that I have a few fears, such as heights. But one of the bigger ones is mice. Before you start in on how they are more afraid of me than I am them, I have heard it all before. It has not changed my fear of them.
I do admit I am getting better at handling the furry little creatures. A few years ago, just someone saying the word mouse would send me into a panic and as far away from the floor as possible. Now, I just proceed to yell out orders of catch it if you want to sleep again.

I come to the doorway of the den, because, due to my fear of mice, I did not want to enter a room that may or may not have a mouse in it. L. proceeds to brief me on the current situation. Apparently, the little furry evil creature from hell, ran across the floor into where? You guessed it, the laundry room.

So, L., after much bitching, crying and whining from me, sets out traps. We finally catch the mouse that night.

Along with our paranormal activity. I was better off thinking we had a ghost.


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